Since I am not permitted to use the stones as a reference, you will have to look for yourselves and compare my notes to the stone maps. I have found the priest by using Google earth-viewer. I position myself on top of weaver's needle and look west- northwest, just across the canyon on the opposite hills. From here you will see the priest standing on his side and facing Weaver's needle as though he was lying down. The cross that he holds in his hands will be the first thing you see, then from there you can make out the rest of him easily. I have traced out the area in yellow to help you see him. If you want to know more? i am looking for more helpers and witnesses in this journey i will take to show the world what the stone maps are truly showing us and where these mines and markers are. My final revelation will be the location of the "gold vault", which is shown on the two trail maps with the heart stone insert.
It would be best to have pics of all the stone maps to use as references.
The peralta stones are maps to mines that were mined in the 1800's, they show locations of each mine and markers in which to fine the mines. I have decyphered them and have posted the "priest map" on this site to show you what i mean. Now, If you have a picture of the stone maps and you look at the priest stone. You will find that the stone map has the exact picture as the one i have shown you here. After the large cross, you will see a curve then a double ring or doughnut shape, then a cross in a square, after that there is another curve and double ring, then a heart. This shows you the true location of the mine. The two curves show you that the cross and the heart are within this same area. The double rings, show you where the mine is in compairison to the cross and the heart. Example; Look at the cross, you see that the ring is on top of the cross, then look at the heart, you see that the ring is on the upper left side of the heart. So now look at the picture i have posted, here you see the cross and if you look just above and to the right of it, there is a shape of a heart in the side of the hill/mountain. above the cross you will see a spot of green growth and that growth is also, just left of the heart. This is the mines location. I am sure that if you go there, you will see rocks with sharp edges in that area, showing you that they were split at one point in time. Remember that these mines were carefuly consealed from others, so it will not be so noticable unless you know it is there. Happy hunting all.